Shin Pond Village (campground) in Mt Chase, Maine has been a great location for us. They offer really nice cabins for our friends who don’t RV, a campground with hookups (water/electric) and spacious sites for those that do, is located right on the trails, has a cafe on site as well as fuel.

I think off roading is maybe a little different for everyone. Some prefer “side by sides” (where two people can sit inside the vehicle side by side, generally has a roll cage and controls like a car). Others (like us) enjoy ATVs (sitting astride it, with controls more similar to a motorcycle).
Likewise, the terrain and style of riding seems to vary as well. Our friends in the side-by-sides definitely like challenges, technical riding, and mud like we do. But the also seem to enjoy the logging roads that (to me anyway) make up the vast majority of trails in Maine.
In spite of the miles on dirt roads it’s great to ride with friends, be outdoors, and get these spectacular views!