Mt Monadnock is only about 90 minutes from us, in southern New Hampshire.
From Wikipedia:
The word “monadnock” is derived from an Abenaki word used to describe a mountain. Loosely translated, it means “mountain that stands alone”, although the exact meaning of the word is uncertain.
Both of us have struggled with some injuries and are trying to get back into hiking shape.
When we arrived at the parking area, we found that parking was sold out. You can reserve parking there, which is a good idea! Apparently Monadnock is the second or third most hiked mountain in the world!
We found some street parking for another trail up the mountain, but this was a 9 mile (round trip) trail and we just aren’t there yet.
Instead we turned around after getting a nice view and logged about 4 1/2 or 5 miles.
It was an interesting trail, reasonably flat and easily navigated for the first mile and a half or so before hitting a significant climb.