Brenda has biked for years but neither of has have done any off-road biking for a VERY long time.
We (she) found the GT Aggressor Pro at Dick’s Sporting Goods and it seemed to be a decent buy for entry level mountain biking.
They are hard tail bikes and pretty much no-frills but they ride nicely and I think we are a long way from needing anything fancier than this!
Our first outing was in Pomfret Forest trails, CT. We started on the “easy” trail to see how we did, with the option to hop onto the intermediate trail at the end of it.
Ha! Since the easy trail was quite challenging for me, you can bet I circled right back to the start instead of even attempting the intermediate! =)
Along the way we ran into two of the founding members who had built the trails and continued to both ride and expand them. It was fun chatting with them and they were super friendly.
A week later in the back yard we had another go at some biking, this time taking the dogs with us.
Auggie, as it turns out, is perhaps the worst puppy partner to bring along. It seems his understanding of bikes is that they are capable of stopping instantly any time he feels like running in front of them. And stopping. Abruptly.
Oooookay. Time for some biking (and hiking!) etiquette lessons….